Thursday, October 12, 2017

Cutest Video of a Kitten Ever & a Contest for a Special Prize!

 This video is the cutest video I have ever of a kitten.

Coincidentally, it's a video of myself. How random! Speaking of random, there is also a contest to enter, where you could win a million dollars. Details follow the adorable video:

Now that you have viewed the sweetest thing you could imagine, imagine also winning at my expense. Literally!

Only a few humans in the world know my whole name. Omalley is my last name. P. F. Omalley is my full name.

Enter to win a special prize by guessing my first and middle name in the comments area. If you are correct I will notify you.

P. F. Omalley

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Trick or Feet?

My second obsession: Feet! Human feet to be more specific.

      I love them! If I see one, I must have it! 
I have noticed that feet tend to cohabitate in pairs, which is twice as fun! 

I prefer them in their pure state but for some reason my humans have been covering their feet up, the more attention I pay them. 

I find this odd since they scream in pure delight, much louder without a layer in between my sharp teeth and their foot? I miss the screaming but the obsession still remains. 

 See more photos of me at


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Wet Sushi?


 I am not sure what my humans were up to this evening. I am certain it didn't go over well though!


I like wet food but not like this. I like fish toys but not like this.

 I don't have the ability to roll my sleeves up so they don't get wet! 
This experiment is not conducive to staying fluffy.

I am hoping that at dinner time tomorrow my humans will at least give me a pair of chopsticks! 


Sunday, October 8, 2017

My First Obsession: The internet!

What a day! My future has changed forever!

     I caught another mouse today! I think it may be a different species from yesterdays mouse. It is definitely a different color. When it moved this big screen lit up and I discovered the internet!

You may be wondering how I can be posting on the internet, prior to discovering the internet! I am going to let you in on a little secret: Kitties can time travel. This is true! If you don't believe me just google it. Here is a website with reliable information:

I have found this site to be very informative and full of adorable photos and videos.  I suggest sharing this with your human friends. I am sure there are a lot of ignorant humans out there that have no idea about kitty time travel. They believe we have 9 lives but they can't grasp how we use them. So ignorant and under educated...these humans. Poor humans!

Another site that may help verify this phenomenon is

You may notice photos of me later in life on this site. Or are they earlier in life? Or is this present life and those photos are from the future? 


Saturday, October 7, 2017

I Caught My First Mouse!

So, I caught a mouse today. This may be the most adorable video of me yet!

I am super cute here. I am not bragging, but I do like to point out things that are extremely important. Plus, I don't want to waste your time and have you click on a video that doesn't promise adequate amounts of adorableness. Why would I do that? Why would you do that? So without further delay...

I present: Omalley & the Mouse

To see some more photos of me go to:

Friday, October 6, 2017

First Piece of Real Estate

This is my first purchased piece of property. My Carpet Condo! 

As of now, I tend to spend most of my time on the roof.

On my roof, I find a "roundabout" way  to play! Watch my action packed video!

I am still working on my skills in hopes to become a professional soccer player. 
I am too young to go pro but a kitten can dream can't they? Speaking of...

What were we talking about? Oh yeah dreams...

"Follow your passion. Be prepared to work hard and sacrifice and above all don't let anyone limit your dreams." Donovan Bailey.
                                            I am pretty sure that Donovan believes in extra naps and so do I.

           Love, Omalley

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Omalley's Carpet Kingdom


I have claimed a kingdom...  

Omalley and his "Carpet Kingdom"
Wait for it...wait for it...


 the act, state, or right of possessing something.


See more photos of me:


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Photos, Photos, Photos!


I have a human with a smart phone...and here I thought I was unique!

 And more photos...

I'm Cute...I know you are thinking it!  

want to see more photos of me?

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

How to Tell if Your Cat is "Couched"



 I am starting to get "comfortable" in my new house. I mean MY new house! Why do the humans say I am couched? Does that mean the same thing as cute?

Me : Omalley

My Pillow Cave

How to tell if you have a Couched Cat: 
 1. You lift up your sofa and find more than 3 foreign objects underneath.
 2. Suddenly the space in between your sofa cushions is full of invisible treasures.
 3. When you get off the sofa your butt needs to be lint rolled.
 4. Your couch is brand new but suddenly looks used.
 5. It's being's its own way.
 6. Pillow or Cat Cave? (Which ever, it's no longer yours.)
 7. You find yourself at the Pet Store buying as many scratch posts you can afford.

want to see more photos of me?

Monday, October 2, 2017



This is a photo of me in my new home. 

This was my first day and I found a great hiding spot. 

My First Day in My New Home
By day two, I became brave. You can see my hiding spot in the background. I now tower above it. 

 My Second day in my New Home

 “Scared is what you're feeling. Brave is what you're doing.”
Emma Donoghue

Cutest Video of a Kitten Ever & a Contest for a Special Prize!

 This video is the cutest video I have ever of a kitten. Coincidentally, it's a video of myself. How random! Speaking of random, there...